
Ch.PL OBELIX von den Waldelfen
J Ch. Ch. Young Dutch Flyer the Lovely Indy's
Trusties Dauntless Darwin
Sandbrae Bolt From The Blue
Trusties Veronica
Pure Emotion The Lovely Indy's
Little Backroad's Red Ace
Leandra Syenna The Lovely Indy's
Yanete Foon Charmander
Ch Flanagen Bezzabran
Ch.Dorian Gray of Woodville
Candy Bezzabran
J CH Francis Foon Charmander
Ch. Lolita's Dreaming Millennium Akeem
Ch.Isabela Sladka krasa

Ch VALENTINA Realbeauty

CH Royal Romance Baxxter
CH Angel´s Pride Ocean Eleven
UK CH Angel´s Pride Gentleman
CH Angel´s Pride Next Topmodel
CH Royal Romance A Samba Pa Ti
UK CH Lanola Santana of Maibee
CH Royal Rimes Ally McBeal

CH ADDIS ABBA Valachian Beauty
CH FRENCH LOVER de Castel Peyrac
BRAVEHEART des Marais de Bremes
CALYPSO de Castel Peyrac
CH JAMAICA z Vrchu Kralu
CH Angel´s Pride Napoleone
CH My Exotic World Pretty Woman